
There is no free in liberty.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Falling Bears

My first thought when I saw this was of the awful sight of the 9 -11 twin tower jumpers.

Later I wondered why a European add would use what appears to be an American city; at least as defined by the automobiles on the street. I assume it is all a part of "the America is evil thinking" in the eyes of those who lost their ideological home with the fall of the Soviet Empire and co opted the environmental movement.

Lastly this add seems awfully silly in light of the leaked poliscientist E-mail news this past weekend.

It's just the weather and, surprise, it changes.....my contention for 24 years. How so many could accept something that runs so counter to everyone's daily experience is beyond me. Evolution is change, nature is change, local weather is change but we have been asked to believe global weather should be...static and any change should stop. Nutty. But, hey, it puts us under the yoke of bureaucracy.


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