
There is no free in liberty.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

The mystery of the blue lines on the ski slope

Yahoo, in a story that is intended to define what all the blue lines on the ski slopes during the Olympics is about, has an error. It's a minor thing, but someone doesn't seem to know what the term depth perception means. Here is the passage...

There are also horizontal lines stretching across the course. Those exist to provide depth perception to the racers. Ever stepped into a snowbank that was a lot deeper than it looked? Now try going downhill at 90 mph and doing the same thing.

The blue lines that are horizontal painted on the snow are intended to give depth perception. That means it enhances the 3D effect of reality for the skiers and they can more easily prepare for an upcoming turn or jump. Also and likely more importantly to some is the effect of depth imparted by the lines on TV viewers.

The horizontal lines have nothing to do with telling anyone how deep the snow is.

Perhaps it was just a joke.


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