
There is no free in liberty.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

NC-13 Primaries -- Vote! Reeves or Randall


It seems to be a race between Bernie Reeves and Bill Randall. I like both of their platforms.

Bernie Reeves has the edge when it comes to establishment conservative support, funding, and organization. I just wish he had wrapped himself in the Constitution.

Bill Randal, I believe, has the Tea Party edge and I like that he rooted himself in the Constitution as it was written rather than its distorted modern interpretations. With that as a guide , as a core belief, I feel, a truer more honest service evolves. I feel it is a good thing that he will either sink or swim as a Congressman based whether his votes stand up to the Constitutional test he has imposed on himself. I like Bill Randall.

Normally I would support Bernie Reeves, but I have come to believe that the Conservative Party needs long term goals to give it direction. I had hope in 1994 with the Gingrich Revolution, but the Conservative Party lost its way after living up to the Contract With America and as a result lost me.

The Democrat Party, unlike the Republican Party, seems to have long term goals that guide them toward ever more government and less individual liberty in the most influential areas. Sure, Democrats profess bedroom freedom, for example, but is that truly liberty when we can't sell that bedroom without a Government OK due to Cap and Trade? The fact that Democrats have long term goals has lead this nation away from our core Constitutional beliefs over the past 100 years.

Simply governing opposite the Democrats does not work either. I believe this is an element of why the Conservatives lost their way after 1994. After gaining power the Conservatives had nothing to define themselves against as they had over the previous 40 years. The Contract With America was a step in the right direction, but it was ephemeral and was not the true contract with America. The one true contract with America is the Constitution and there is nothing about it that can be referred to as ephemeral.

Absent a long term goals, Conservatives will repeat the mistakes made after the 1994 elections. It seems to me a return to the Constitution's original intent is the best long term goal for our Representatives and Bill Randall wrapped himself in the one true contract with America, the Constitution.

I am voting Bill Randall today.

Heh! I truly did not know who I would vote for until the writing of this post.

The clip below is an example of using the Constitution as a guide, foundation, bedrock, a north star....

(This was intended to be posted in the early morning. For what ever reason the post failed and has since been rectified.)

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