
There is no free in liberty.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brad Miller NC -- Voted on ObamaCare without Full Info. Because Obama Hid the Info.


Yea, common sense leads to the same conclusion that ObamaCare helps to bankrupt a nation rather than fill its coffers, but here we have the paperwork done for us.

Obama and Kathleen Sebelius sat on information released by Health and Human Services that concluded ObamaCare would actually raise costs until after the vote on ObamaCare....

Poor Brad Miller believed the lies that Obamacare would lower the deficit despite common sense conclusions that said otherwise. Now we see that Obama's administration was sitting on information that would have informed Brad Miller's vote on Health-Care. At any rate, Brad Miller cast an uneducated vote impacting 1/6 of the US economy.

The American Spectator

....Sebelius's staff refused to review the document before the vote was taken.

"The reason we were given was that they did not want to influence the vote," says an HHS source. "Which is actually the point of having a review like this, you would think."

The analysis, performed by Medicare's Office of the Actuary, which in the past has been identified as a "nonpolitical" office, set off alarm bells when submitted. "We know a copy was sent to the White House via their legislative affairs staff," says the HHS staffer, "and there were a number of meetings here almost right after the analysis was submitted to the secretary's office. Everyone went into lockdown, and people here were too scared to go public with the report."
Governance through Broken Consent behind closed doors and limited information...The Obama Administration.

Poor Brad Miller; not only did he not understand the bill he voted for, but his party leaders kept him in the dark on relevant information that may have clarified the economic impacts of ObamaCare that were beyond his common sense.

Lesson for Brad Miller....Sometimes leadership calls for leadership and not voting Pavlov like with your party.


Yesterday, The American Spectator stood by their reporting....

Our sources stand by the facts that prior to final passage of the health care reform bill on Sunday, March 21, the Office of the Actuary had provided senior leaders inside HHS with data that indicated the then-bill would increase the cost of health care and impose higher costs on Americans. And that data was not provided to anyone publicly until after the legislation was passed.


Why conservatives and Republicans are up in arms over the report of the Medicare Office of the Actuary data is because for years, such information was routinely leaked to the drive-by media to bash a Bush Administration plan or proposal, or to embarrass a Republican official. Now, the data that would seemingly aid in -- at the very least -- generating further debate over a major increase in the size of government was nowhere in sight.

[H/T gatewaypundit]


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