
There is no free in liberty.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Depressionary Scars...


My father always told me growing up that no matter what happened, I could always come home. When I was 15, I found out why. When he was a young adult, living on his own, he hit rough times - working only a few days a month at best, putting his entire paycheck towards debts and rent - barely scrapping by on venicen. one day, he heard a knock at the door, where he found his father, my grandfather, waiting for him. He said, "Grab your things, son, I've come to bring you home."
Commented in reference to Solsbury Hill.

My grandfather rode the rails as a teenager during the Great Depression; he had no home to which he could have returned in which he would not have been a burden. When my father left home my grandfather told him he would always have a home to return to. My father made the same clear to me.

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