
There is no free in liberty.


Monday, June 27, 2011

The New Leftist Racism...


H/T Bubba.

Dr. Sanity:
Real racism is indeed truly disgusting; and nowhere is it more real and objectively manifest than in the left's politically correct posturing and in the perpetual victimhood scams perpetrated by their compassionate policies--you know, the ones that infantalize other races and ethnicities and keep them "in their place" so that the truly superior denizens of the political left can manage their lives.

Dr. Sanity referenced this post in the NRO...
If you want to be disgusted, take a look at the front-page story in today’s New York Times, “On College Forms, a Question of Race, or Races, Can Perplex.” It’s about how selective colleges and universities are wrestling with the problem of how to deal with applicants who check more than one box for race and ethnicity: which mixes are to be most favored, whether it’s better to be mixed or pure, what do to about students who refuse to check any box, and how to tell if a student is really sincere in his or her self-identification or is just "gamming" the system. Now, maybe it’s just me, but I think a lot of people will find it really sickening to read about how these politically correct educrats sit around and give a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down to an 18-year-old based on his racial and ethnic mix. As for “gaming” the system, were we supposed to lament the fact that a black applicant 100 years ago might try to pass for white? I think our condemnation then and now should be more concentrated on the racially discriminatory system itself rather than on those who tried or try to game it.

There is another strain of leftist racism - the presumption of racism without proof, an example which would be the accusations of racism hurled toward the Tea Party.

The war on traditional racism has nearly been won and it seems evident that as the old racism fades into history, the proof of its existence fades with it. What is slower to fade, though, is the perception of political leverage gained from the charge of racism. What remains is the current sea of baseless charges of racism for political advantage. Furthermore, without proof that there is racism involved then merely labeling something as racist is indicative of viewing events through a racial prism.

When an individual charges racism where there is none, the charge of racism becomes an act of racism itself.


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